For Resources Immediately Following an Assault, including Confidential Emotional Support, Law Enforcement, Evidence Collection and Immediate Medical Care: AB 1968 Information
If you are in the midst of any kind of emergency, immediate harm or threat of harm CALL 9-1-1
On Campus Resources
The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination
Provides parties with supportive measures, resources, and resolution options. If you need assistance accessing your education or work place, please contact OPHD.
- (707) 664-4140
CAPS: Counseling and Psychological Services
Provides confidential counseling and psychological support to students. Support is available 24/7 by calling:
- (707) 664-2153
Sonoma State University Confidential Sexual Assault Advocate
Supports people who have experienced, sexual misconduct, relationship violence, and stalking
- (707) 664-2698
Student Health Center
Can provide STI testing after unwanted sexual encounters. SHC does not report to OPHD, but they report to the police any injuries they treat related to sexual or relationship violence.
- (707) 664-2921
University Police
To report criminal behavior (sexual misconduct and harassment may be investigated by both, just one, or neither UPD and OPHD) and for escorts.
- (707) 664-4444
The HUB Cultural Center
Hosts different activities, events and groups related to diversity and inclusion
- (707) 664-4247
Dean of Students
Oversees the CARE team. Submit a student of concern report to the CARE Team for a variety of reasons such as concern over emotional or physical well being, struggling with academics, or transition to campus.
- (707) 664-4247
Disability Services for Students
Disability Services for Students (DSS) ensures equal access to students with disabilities by providing appropriate accommodations and specialized support services, and by providing guidance to faculty, staff, and the campus community.
- Phone number: (707) 664-2677 (dial 711 for Relay)
- Fax number: (707) 664-3330
The Dreamers, Resource, Empowerment, Advocacy, Mentorship (DREAM) Center supports and advances the academic, personal, and professional development of undocumented students and allies by providing a safe, centralized space for services and resources.
- (707) 664-3541
Center for Academic Access & Student Enrichment
The Center for Academic Access and Student Enrichment serves as a resource hub for underrepresented and underserved students at Sonoma State University.
- (707) 664-2427
Financial Aid Office
The Financial Aid Office at SSU is committed to assisting current and prospective students with the financial aid process in obtaining funds for college through federal, state and institutional sources.
- (707) 664-2389
Empathia - Employee Assistance Program
- 1-800-367-7474
- Please reach out to Payroll and Benefits to obtain the campus-specific password.
Human Resources - Labor and Employee Relations
- (707) 664-2212
- (707) 664-2192
Off Campus Resources
Local sexual assault and rape crisis center, available 24/7, 365
- (707) 545-7273
Family Justice Center (Sonoma County)
Can assist with services such as obtaining restraining orders, victim advocacy, and access to safe houses.
- (707) 565-8255
Local Police
- 911
Provides assistance to victims of interpersonal violence
- (707) 546-1234
Sonoma County District Attorney - Victim Services Division
- (707) 565-2311
Local Hospitals
Sutter Health
- Provides SART exams for sexual assault victims
- (707) 576-4000
Free or Reduced Legal Aid in Sonoma County
The Superior Court of California (County of Sonoma)